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Free Zoom Backgrounds
Or Create Custom Ones

Explore our free-to-use collection of community made hilarious Zoom backgrounds, explore one of the biggest repositories of free content, art and backgrounds. Bring laughter to your meetings with unique and funny Zoom backgrounds. Easily create and customize humorous virtual backgrounds with Idyllic’s advanced image generation tools in seconds.


30,000+ users

Transform Your Zoom Meetings with Humor

Break the monotony of online meetings with custom funny Zoom backgrounds. Idyllic allows you to generate innovative and hilarious backgrounds from simple text descriptions. No design skills required!

Effortless Customization

Whether you’re looking for high-resolution images or quick, lower-quality options, Idyllic has you covered. Choose the resolution that fits your needs and get started instantly.

Iterate to Perfection

With our iterative creation process, you can refine your backgrounds until they are just right. Request specific changes with each iteration to get the funniest results.

Use Remix for Creative Fusion

Blend up to nine images to create unique backgrounds that will make everyone laugh. Use inspiration images alongside text descriptions to craft the perfect comedic blend.

Auto-Edits for Ultimate Convenience

Let Idyllic handle the complex tasks. Generate humorous office or home settings automatically with our auto-edit feature, making it easy to switch up your background on the fly.

Join the Creative Community

Browse a feed of hilarious backgrounds created by others, providing endless inspiration and entertainment. Share your creations, receive feedback, and connect with a community of like-minded humor enthusiasts.

Showcase Your Creative Process

Publish and share threads of your workflow, showcasing both the process and the final funny Zoom background. Inspire others and get appreciated for your creativity!

Frequently asked questions

How do I create funny Zoom backgrounds using Idyllic?

Simply enter a text description of what you want for your background, choose your desired resolution, and let Idyllic generate the image. You can also refine and iterate until you get the perfect result.

Can I blend multiple images for my Zoom background?

Yes, with Idyllic’s Remix feature, you can blend up to nine images to create a unique and hilarious Zoom background.

Is the customization process complicated?

No, Idyllic is designed for ease of use. You can make refinements and apply auto-edits without needing any technical skills.

Can I see backgrounds created by other users?

Yes, you can browse a feed of creations from the community for inspiration and even share your own creations.

Ready to Get Started?

Join The Community of over 30,000 Artists already using Idyllic